Peter Ustinov’s Russia series


Russian history.

SKU: 2485
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Year Produced: 1986
Running time: 360 minutes
Watch online: ideo on demand


A series of six DVDs. Each part runs for 60 minutes.

The price of each part is £24.40 bought separately. But if all six are bought at the same time then a discounted price of £99.00 applies (plus postage).
A Giant’s Childhood
The early history of Russia, from the first stirrings of its civilisation to the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
Peter the Great and Catherine the Great
The struggle of Peter the Great to open up Russia.
The Struggle with Napoleon
The epoch of Tolstoy’s War and Peace.
The need for reform.
War and Revolution
The October revolution in Russia.
My Russia
Peter Ustinov’s personal impressions of modern Russia.

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