Believe Me
Animated film exploring the experience and effects of sexual abuse.
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Beyond Belief
The impact of child sexual abuse on families, and how parents and carers can help.
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Breaking Silence
Sexual abuse, personal stories and healing.
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Do I Have to Kill My Child?
Story of a woman who feels like injuring her baby - no-one understands.
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Domestic Violence Education Series
Overview of the work of agencies and others concerned with domestic violence.
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For Your Own Good
Memories of child abuse help adults come to terms with their sufferings.
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Home Truths (LAW)
Animated film of young people talking about domestic violence, for 8-13 year olds
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Internal Strength
Group sessions for young woman with experiences of abuse.
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Monsters and Rainbows
A child therapist helps sexually abused children through play.
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Prime Suspects
Parents who kill their children often escape justice.
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Taking the Lid Off
Children who have been abused are helped to come to terms with their experiences.
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