The Essential Blue-Eyed


A longer and a shorter version of Jane Elliott’s life and her work combating prejudice. Includes debriefing session.


A special trainer’s version of the original Blue Eyed film which is shortened to 60 minutes, retaining the most telling parts. Jane Elliott herself says the film is “the most dramatic and complete summary of my 30 years experience helping organisations grapple with the difficulties and opportunities offered by a diverse workforce.” Together on the tape is a completely new 36 minute debriefing where Jane Elliott shows how to help participants apply the lessons of her exercise to their daily work lives. She encourages the mixed group to compare their personal experiences of discrimination to appreciate that white people and people of colour, and other minority groups, inhabit two separate worlds.

Trainer’s version 60 minutes followed by 36 minute debriefing.

The Essential Blue Eyed from Concord Media on Vimeo.

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