Loss Counselling In Practice


Various kinds of loss; focuses particularly on anger, guilt and fear.

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Producer: Susan Lendrum and Gabrielle Syme.
Year Produced: 1989
Running time: 15 minutes
Trailer:  Watch on Youtube
Watch online: ideo on demand


Watching this film should enable counsellors not only to focus on the various feelings which they pick up from the “client” in each scene but also to think of the responses they might make.


The introductory section emphaises the universal nature of human loss and indicates the ranges as well as the patterns of feelings associated with the process of mourning and the work of grief.

The basic conditions and attitudes for effective counselling.

  1. Expressing warmth and understanding
  2. Conveying acceotabce through non-judgemental approach
  3. Reflecting a person’s feelings

Are outlined very briefly before the scenes are shown.



Learning in this field is deeply personal yet also instrinsically relational and a sense of relative safety within a supportive group is known to encourage learning of an experimental nature. This learning, which cannot be gleaned from books or from isolated viewing of films, allows counsellors to experience the effect of voicing and sharing their own feelings. It also enables them to recognise that each person’s range and intensity of feelings is unique.

The process of learning through such sharing of feelings and of vulnerabilities mirrors, in some measure, the bereavement counselling prcoess itself. It goes without saying, the video scenes and the subsequent discussion may well evoke strong feelings, and that it is important to give time to the expression and acceptance of these feelings. Facilitators using this material for the first time may well decide to ask the group members to work in pairs.

While the film specifically introduces the use of supervision in relation to the counsellor’s work, supervision of Group Facilitators in this field is known to be useful.


The film introduces the idea that as counsellors we are often tempted to avoid strong feelings in various ways such as; missing client cues, unconsciously blocking client expression and being overactive. Examples of overactivity might include, rushing in with the kind of comfort which inhibitis rather than enables grief, filling in silences which maybe be contemplative, coming up with inappropriate plans or questions.

As group leaders we can also be tempted to become overactive and to try to do the work ourselves. We, too, can find ourselves rushing on! We would recommend therefore that the group be allowed, as far as practically possible, to set it’s own pace, probably starting with a minimal of 1 half hour session. It is unlikley that all scenes could be usefully discussed in one session.

The film focuses in particular on anger, guilt and fear as feelings with which may have particular difficulty both as bereavement counsellors and sometimes, also, as group members.

Although made some years ago the issues raised are still current

This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.50. For this you can view as often as you like within the 48 hour period of your purchase.

Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £30.00, email us directly sales@concordmedia.org.uk or follow this link: https://www.concordmedia.org.uk/contact-contact/

Loss Counselling in Practice from Concord Media on Vimeo.

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