Showing 1–12 of 28 results
A Little Help from my Friends
A disabled strudent tries to reach the summit of Scarfell Pike in a wheelchair.£18.00 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
A Powerful Path
A disabled, black single mother works helping other people.£25.00 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
A Question of Choice
People with profound disabilities can still make choices£39.00 Buy DVD -
A Touch of Magic
A girl with Down's Syndrome tries to come to terms with her disability.£25.00 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Ability Is Where You Look For It
This film made in 1980 shows overcoming physical or mental disabilities, displays willpower and energy which can be applied with success in employment, sport and beyond.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
Foetal alcohol syndrome has been directly attributed to alcoholism in the mother, this film looks at this particular disability.ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: A Happier Old Age
This film looks at the aids for old people.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Four Million People
This film shows some severely disabled people who have succeeded in overcoming their handicaps with grit and determination.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Hidden Disabilities
This film looks at the various different illnesses, conditions and defeats older people can suffer from.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD