Showing all 9 results
A Lending Hand
A closer look at a toy organiser's day in Lewisham (Ravensbourne Library) back in 1986.ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Cue for Change
A film from 1986, looking at the issues women experienced when looking to get into the film and television industry.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Doctor, There’s something in the soup
The 1986 World in Action team arrived unannounced at several hospitals and find conditions which would have given grounds for prosecution in the private sector.ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
I Can Go Where I Want
A 1986 film looking at mobility issues, showing that when doctors, therapists, designers, engineers, parents and even children themselves work together, improved outcomes can be achieved with the use of technology.ideo on DemandBuy DVD