Telling the Public (Business Decisions Series)


The public face of industry.

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Year Produced: 1981
Running time: 52 minutes
Trailer:  Watch on Youtube
Watch online: ideo on demand


Explores the way in which businessmen, public relations executives, advertisers and journalists present the public face of industry. Issues raised include what a company does when the press print misleading and damaging stories about its affairs and whether a firm should attack the reputation of a competitor’s product.
A panel of some of the top businessmen in Britain are confronted with situations which, although hypothetical, reflect accurately the kind of dilemma which they have probably had to deal with. Keeping the discussion moving at a lively pace is an experienced moderator who tricks, cajoles or browbeats the often reluctant victim into making a commitment to one course of action or another. revealing how and why some of their decisions are made.
Made in 1981 this film reflects the cultural attitudes and language of the time it was made. The issues raised are timeless.
Programme 4 in the Business Decisions Series.

Telling the Public (Business Decisions Series) from Concord Media on Vimeo.

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