Critical Decision – Sizewell

This film made in 1989 and still as relevant today looks at the effects that nuclear expansion has on local communities in Sizewell in Suffolk and Hinkley in Somerset along with the wider effects nationally and internationally.


Looks at the effects that nuclear expansion has on local community in Sizewell in Suffolk and Hinkley in Somerset and how concern for their enviroment expands to inclue national and international implications of nuclear power. The awareness that decisions made now will largely determine the kind of world their grandchildren will inherit, drives them to take issue with a government that is both a protaganist for nuclear power and the final judge of the argument. They are an active minority expressing the fears of a majority.

The imagery and film quality may not be to modern standards but is useful for historical use.

This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.00, for this you can view as often as you like within a 48 hour period of your own choosing, the film is available to stream or download for £10.00.

Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £24.50, email us directly or follow this link:

Critical Decision – Sizewell from Concord Media on Vimeo.


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