Star Wars: Artificial Intelligence in Space


A film made in 1986 looking at the challenges SDI (The Strategic Defence Initiative) would need to overcome in order to provide a safe shield against Nuclear Weapons.

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Year Produced: 1986
Running time: 24 minutes
Watch online: ideo on demand


A technical overview of the problems that SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative)  would have to overcome to provide a safe shield for the USA against Soviet intercontinental missiles. X-Ray lasers, ultra-violet lasers, particle beams, and nuclear mines are examined and the limitations of their use discussed. Because of the short time scale the system must be completely automatic needing artificial intelligence. Billions of lines of computer programming would be needed and all must work without a full prior test of the system being possible. Even then, the system would not provide cover being possible. Even then, the system would not provide cover against cruise and submarine launched missles, yet it would even more complicate the work to reach Nuclear disarmament.

This film made in 1986 reflects the scientific understanding and political arguments of the time it was made. The imagery and film quality may not be to modern standards but is useful for historical use.

This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.00, for this you can view as often as you like within a 48 hour period of your own choosing, the film is available to stream or download for £10.00.

Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £24.50, email us directly or follow this link:

Star Wars: Artificial Intelligence in Space from Concord Media on Vimeo.


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