This is the first public film to be made about the life style of the Religious Society of Friends and in a lively way it raises many hot issues for young people. Four teenage Quakers show the Quaker way of silent worship, being without creeds, set forms or paid clergy, depends on everyone’s commitment and participation to make a meaning of life from our own experience. They see worship and life as one, so that a peaceable way of living at home, in work and in our public witness all follow, and we see them at a peace vigil in Bolton town square
Outside Strangeways Prison they talk with a conscientious objector from world war two about breaking the law for one’s beliefs and its consequences and they show how prison reform, care for the elderly, giving service in workcamps at home or relief projects abroad and other concerns to effect social change are all part of recognising that of God in every one of us. See also The Quaker Way, which uses some of the same visual material.
This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.00, for this you can view as often as you like within a 48 hour period of your own choosing, the film is available to stream or download for £10.00.
Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £23.80, email us directly or follow this link:
Quakerism through the Eyes of Young Quakers from Concord Media on Vimeo.