Pia, a young woman who works in films, falls ill with cancer. Two other women film makers visit her, and between them they decide to make a film. It describes the last four months of Pia’s life, and her burial in her native Greek village. They are all emotionally involved, and the film shows their heartsearching and doubt, emotion and fear, weakness and strength. When the first grief begins to fade, the finished film develops, a film that shows the strength, and courage to live we can feel in the presence of death. Made by the Swedish director Ingela Romare, with English subtitles.
This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.00, for this you can view as often as you like within a 48 hour period of your own choosing, the film is available to stream or download for £10.00.
Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £24.50, email us directly or follow this link:
Courage to Live from Concord Media on Vimeo.
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