Together for Good


Different experiences of adoption in Britain.


This film features two single people and two couples who have adopted children. The children include a child with disabilities, a baby of mixed parentage, two black children and a sibling group. The parents talk about their experiences and highlight some of the joys and problems of adoption. Also explored is the role of social services, the needs of children and the effect unmet needs may have on a child. The film can be used to inform and act as a useful basis for discussion between both social workers and people considering adopting.
Made in 1988 this film reflects the cultural attitudes, social work procedures and language of the time it was made. The imagery and film quality may not be to modern standards. But the issues raised are timeless.

This programme can be rented on our Video on Demand system for £2.00 (This may show up in U.S. Dollars but can vary a little as the value of the £ varies) For this you can view as often as you like within a 48 hour period of your own choosing, the film is available to stream or download for £10.00.

Interested in a USB instead of a DVD for £24.50, email us directly or follow this link:

Together for Good from Concord Media on Vimeo.

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