John Hersey’s Hiroshima


Film of the book. Nuclear warfare on the personal level

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Year Produced: 1948
Running time: 20 minutes
Trailer:  Watch on Youtube
Watch online: ideo on demand


The film of the book. This 20 minute film contains the essentials of the book. Made soon after the war, the picture quality does not compare with today’s productions.

The issue of August 31, 1946,The New Yorker bore a light-hearted cover of a summer picnic in a park. There was no hint what was inside. Hersey’s article began where the magazine’s regular “Talk of the Town” column usually began. At the bottom of the page, the editors appended a short note: “The New Yorker this week devotes its entire editorial space to an article on the almost complete obliteration of a city by one atomic bomb, and what happened to the people of that city. It does so in the conviction that few of us have yet comprehended the all but incredible destructive power of this weapon, and that everyone might well take time to consider the terrible implications of its use. The Editors.”

Containing a detailed description of the bomb’s effects, the article was a publishing sensation. In plain prose, Hersey described the horrifying aftermath of the atomic device: people with melted eyeballs, or people vaporized, leaving only their shadows etched onto walls. It was an immediate best seller and sold out at newsstands within hours. Many requests for reprints were received by the magazine’s offices. Hersey introduces the six characters: two doctors, a Protestant minister, a widowed seamstress, a young female factory worker and a German Catholic priest.[27] It describes their mornings before the bomb was dropped. Through the book, the lives of these six people overlap as they share similar experiences.

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