In the Name of the Lord


This film made in 1982, takes a look into the horrifying world of Guatemala in the 1980’s, detailing what it was like for people living through this time.

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Year Produced: 1982
Running time: 28 minutes
Watch online: ideo on demand


The military regime of Guatemala was considered to be one of the worst violaters of humans rights in the world during the 1980’s. Thousands of political murders are committed there every year, it is claimed, and the Roman Catholic Church has protested that the government has been involved in murder, kidnapping and brainwashing. Some horrifying evidences are presented, including that of a radical priest who suddenly changed sides, believed to be tourtured and brainwashed. People courageously tell their stories although they run the risk of being kidnapped and tortured themselves by doing so.

This film made in 1982 reflects the political amd cultural attitudes and language of the time it was made. The imagery and film quality may not be to modern standards.This should not diminish its value as a historic record.

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In the Name of the Lord from Concord Media on Vimeo.


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