Showing all 11 results
Adult Literacy – Teaching in a Group
Describes how a four week course was taught at Loughton College of Further Education.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Adult Literacy – The First Decade
In 1984 a nation-wide campaign was started to reduce or end illiteracy.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Adult Numeracy
A short film made in 1983 looking at Adult Numeracy.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Anti-Racism in Practice
Discussion on the effects of racism on children in school.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: A Happier Old Age
This film looks at the aids for old people.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Four Million People
This film shows some severely disabled people who have succeeded in overcoming their handicaps with grit and determination.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Hidden Disabilities
This film looks at the various different illnesses, conditions and defeats older people can suffer from.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Mobility and Research
This film looks at research taking place in the 1980's into new ways to help the disabled.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: Out and About
This film shows some severely disabled people who have succeeded in overcoming their handicaps with grit and determination.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD -
Helping Hand: The Extra Costs of Being Disabled
This film looks at the additional costs and challenges, disabled people have to deal with in every day life.£19.50 ideo on DemandBuy DVD