Schizophrenia – What does it Mean?


Explanation of the problems of people with schizophrenia, and their families.

SKU: 2616
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Year Produced: 1987
Running time: 40 minutes
Trailer:  Watch on Youtube
Watch online: ideo on demand


This programme is designed to improve people’s understanding of schizophrenia and the problems which sufferers and their families face. Using well-known celebrities (the nationally acclaimed psychiatrist Professor Antony Clare, Richard Baker and Jimmy Saville) along with the direct and poignant experiences of a sufferer and family it presents the facts about schizophrenia in a way which people can readily identify with. Also valuable for professionals entering the field of mental health.
Made in 1987 this film reflects the cultural attitudes and language of the time it was made. The issues raised are timeless. The film quality may not be to modern standards.

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