Diet for a Small Planet


Reducing consumption of meat is healthier for us and for the planet.

SKU: 1395
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Year Produced: 1974
Running time: 28 minutes
Trailer:  Watch on Youtube


How necessary is meat in our diet? This film claims that the earth’s resources can be better used by reducing the amount of meat eaten. Feeding cereal to cattle is an extravagant way of obtaining protein. If certain foods are eaten together, the protein content is just as useful to the body as meat, and this is explained by an expert. One third of the world’s protein production goes to fatten up the Sunday joint. Once the idea of meat and vegetables for every meal is discarded, all sorts of mouth-watering possibilities are opened up. USA.

Made in 1974, this film reflects the cultural attitudes and language of the time it was made. But the issues raised are timeless.